Wednesday, May 02, 2007


We need to say no to the Christian hypocrisy in our politics. How can we support a hard head (I haven't done anything right and lied a lot on your face but I am a Christian, I am against abortion and gay marriages) president? Is there a degree of sin? Is infidelity any worse than lying? The answer is no! Why do we accept a president that lies to our faces but declares he's a Christian? Bill Clinton was also a self declared Christian and the Christian society wanted to impeach him because of fornication; is it because we are a bunch of hypocrites, that support parties instead of people?

This for me is the turning point in all the Christian movement: we are more lost that the non-Christians; we don't share the gospel, we don't witness neither by words nor by acts, and we are as blind as a Satanist.

What do we worry about? Leadership, power, big churches, good salaries, the American mortgage and prosperity dream and all the rest?

We even have Christian celebrities like Rick Warren (UnPurposed Driven Life), T.D. Jakes, Bill Hybels and others... These are not leaders, but marketers; leader is a man that put others first above all, with no personal gain. I am not saying that we should not have cars, houses and jobs, but in a so-called Christian nation where one of the main topics is Leadership, and only 2% share the gospel once a month, someone has to raise a red banner with the words: "CAN'T YOU SEE IT IS NOT WORKING?"

Just a thought.


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