Thursday, October 05, 2006

Big and Famous

As I was watching Bono from U2 being interviewed by Bill Hybels, my thought went also to the SPEAKER who said that “God is no respecter of man”. I have been pointing out that the church is not being a New Testament Church for quite a while. I’ve been pointing that 98% of the sermons preached from up the pulpit are "skubala" and void in applicable content. I’ve been also pointing that our seminaries teach a lot about preaching, exegesis, Old Testament, Liberation Theology, Advanced Theology and other things but too little, if not none about GRACE. I’ve been pointing out that our churches don’t evangelize at all. I’ve been pointing out that we don’t take care of the poor in USA, much less around the world. I’ve been pointing out that we love to go to slums abroad, but can’t stand going to the ghettos in the USA. I’ve been pointing out that some pastors and other Christian leaders are far more into religion politics then Christianity. I’ve been pointing out those conventions fighting conventions favors the devil b/c the enemy is much ignored when we fight a Christian civil war. I’ve been pointing out that legalism is a toll of the devil. I’ve been pointing out that churches don’t need to spend millions of dollars in facilities while kids and women starve to death in other parts of the world. I’ve been also pointing out that our churches don’t need to build impressive buildings to attract people. I’ve been pointing out that most Christians organizations and religious leaders do favor the rich and the scholars over the poor and ignorant when it comes to relationship. I’ve been pointing out that even though you might not see, our love and care for non-Christians is deficient, poor, biased and sometimes done with the wrong motivation. I’ve been pointing out that the American culture and way of life is not the closest one to the bible; can you imagine if Jesus was a regular American, with all the love for things, big stuff and that self-centered mentality? I’ve been pointing out that God has blessed America with so much and we are not really blessing others with so much; we act in our own imperialist way, always ready to shove into people’s face that we are the most powerful nation in the world. I’ve been pointing out that what is going to destroy America are not the Muslins, terrorists or plagues, but our light Christianity; our gold Christianity; our relationship Christianity; our legalistic Christianity; our Christianity that when challenged defends itself by calling the challenger a judgmental beast (unless he’s Bono); our lack of knowledge of grace means Christianity; in sum, we Christians are probably the most vicious elements of the society, b/c we think we know the truth and we shove it in everybody but us.

Why do we need Bono to tell us this? Why can’t we take that from Jesse, or Pablo, or Josef, or Yuri, or Jean Pierre, or Jeremy, or Tommy, or Cindy, or Andy, or Gutierrez, or Cesar Gevert? To some is b/c we are not famous, to others b/c we are not scholars, to another others is b/c we lack leadership skills…. Not famous? Not scholars? Lack of leadership skills?

Bono is famous, not a scholar and is a not a better leader than Jesse, or Pablo, or Josef, or Yuri, or Jean Pierre, or Jeremy, or Tommy, or Cindy, or Andy, or Gutierrez, or Cesar Gevert. He is a singer, a famous singer that decided to use his influence to something big. But he is controversial and his truth hurts as much as Jesse’s, or Pablo’s, or Josef’s, or Yuri’s, or Jean Pierre’s, or Jeremy’s, or Tommy’s, or Cindy’s, or Andy’s, or Gutierrez’s, or Cesar Gevert’s.

What am I trying to say? That Bono can point some problems of Christianity and be acclaimed while I have been execrated and sometimes even ostracized for my controversial remarks, and don’t tell me that he’s a better leader than me; that his truth is truer than mine, that he’s smarter than me. He might be famous, richer and traveled, but not smarter than any of those, and frankly; I bet he would agree with me. The same Christians that idolize Christian celebrities are the ones that marginalize the Christian Underground movement.


Blogger Participante said...

Why did you erase the post with my comment?

8:37 AM  
Blogger cgevert said...

technical mistake. I'll post it again later.

12:50 PM  

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