For the ones that know me, I'm pretty much frustrated with the way that Christians live their Christianity today. We take it for granted and live like non-Christians. Live like a non-Christian does not mean drink, have sex, smoke weed, rob, cuss. That's not what I mean, when I say that we abuse is because we don't show compassion, we don't show love, we are materialists, we want stuff, we want to fit, we are selfish, we don't study about our God, we go to church on Sunday and on the rest of the week we don't even think about God, we are snobs, we go to church to meet friends instead of hang our with God, but again, we do not even know that we don't need to go to church to talk to God. We can worship God at home, at the can, playing PS2, driving, at school, work and 6 flags. Do we do that? Noooo! We agree with the world that it is not cool to be Christians, we agree with the worked that money and stuff is more important than faith in Jesus, we agree with the world that some people deserve more of our attention than others.
So what do we do? We try our best to live for Christ, but the truth is that we can't, because Christ is the one that can live for us. Every time that we try to live for him we fail, we judge, we gossip, we fall, we are self righteous. We can live and do things through God, and only when we allow Him to possess the inner being of our faith, soul and body, we will shine the light in this dark world.
Am I saying that church is wrong? No, by no means. But I don't agree with 80% of its doctrines. Church morals and church standards are flaw to me, therefore I can care less. Church is man made. The temple of the Holy Spirit is not a building with a mortgage, but every Christian. So why should I follow the church moral and values? I don't know about you, but I don't. I believe that the church is getting farther and farther from God day after day.
Did you know that there are more important things for a Christian to do and learn than tithing? So why churches teach so much about tithing? Because they have to pay they mortgages, salaries, electricity, insurance and all that stuff. I cannot believe that the teaching of giving is more important that the teaching of Grace, and in spite of that, it's hard to hear about the grace of god in church, but we hear about tithing all the time. Would it be that the reason why we don't tithe as much as we should?
Music. All music was invented by God through us. Who gives you inspiration? Who gives you emotions? Even Marylyn Manson, who gave him the talent of songwriting? Some of us use God's given talents against His name, and others cannot praise God with his own talents because stupid people that think different put God inside a box. The church is so full of Pharisees that is hard to distinguish who loves Christ with a pure heart and who is a legalist. Usually, the legalists are the ones with power within a church, because they are safe, they look nice in well groomed suits and ties, they go with the majority and talk nice.
Let's wake up for life with Christ.
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